
Personal reflections and creative expressions related to an endless, changing array of subjects including Yoga, Israel, Running, Spirituality, Travel and Life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


You are the flexible person in your present situation.

Lucky numbers 31, 42, 27, 3, 29, 30

[Source: Fortune cookie from Asian restaurant]

My thoughts: Wisdom is waiting everywhere. Never discount good advice simply because of its source or delivery.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

THOUGHT: Truth - Satya

To speak your truth
you must know your truth
To know your truth
you must find your truth
To find your truth
you must seek your truth
To yourself, speak your truth

Sunday, February 12, 2006

PHOTO-POEM: Tulips and Plaster

Tulips and Plaster...

My life is somewhere within
That shifting fulcrum
Looking to balance the ups and downs
I see myself peeking 'round corners
With fruitless searching glances
Searching for where my life openly hides
Way out beyond, it is centered in the middle
In a place where
Opposing directions finally
Rest together

I am the tender young petals in strong vibrant yellow.
I am the hard plaster wall, my surface softened
By morning window light that mutes the intense
Shades of orange.
I am the artist between and around
Uniting disparate elements

Beauty is conflict is beautiful.
And the artist can't just turn away
When there is no choice
But to breathe
Upon the canvas of my film, to
Write upon the canvas of my life.

--lee (c) 2006 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


A meditation or affirmation for the process of learning:

Setting an Intention of Ahimsa (non-violence)

In this moment, and for this moment, I will be colored by ahimsa.

In this moment, I will adopt an attitude of patience for the process of learning, a way of speaking to myself that is gentle and encouraging, a way of hearing what is said and seeing what is before me, that is freed from judgments or opinions.

In this moment, I will endeavor to remain aware of my pre-existing ideas and perceptions and release my expectations, so that I can learn to recognize what is real and important.
I will, in this moment, remind myself that the process of connecting lovingly with others can begin by letting go of the idea of ‘me’ and ‘you,’ and choosing instead to live without artificial barriers.

I acknowledge that when I can let go of agendas and needs, I can offer to myself, a more peaceful existence. When I am in this place, I can genuinely offer to others, my compassion and love.

At times this is difficult. But I only need to conquer THIS moment.

So, in this moment, I am ahimsa. Come and be with me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Beginning on Febrary 2d, I will be teaching at the Downtown YMCA.


Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 – 6:45

Yoga is amazingly versatile. We can use yoga to build endurance, strength, balance and flexibility, not only in our bodies, but in our attitude and approach to life. Through the practice of yoga, we can learn to press and challenge, yet temper this work with patience and compassion. Over time we can teach ourselves to see beyond our limitations, and into our possibilities. Yoga can be physical, philosophical (not religious) and intellectual. With consistent practice of yoga poses we release stress, increase energy and enhance vitality. It is excellent training and is also a great adjunct for other activities and sports.

This class will be based on a vinyasa style practice, incorporating sun-salutations and other heat-building sequences, followed by mat work and finishing with a welcome, and well-deserved, relaxation practice. Modified poses for those who are new. Please join us and be prepared to work hard and have some fun.

Beginners are welcome and encouraged to attend!!

Classes held at:
500 West Broadway, Suite B
San Diego, CA